Do What Is Best for Your Children
When you engage in a custody dispute with your spouse, there should be only one question you should be asking yourselves: What is best for our children? Hirshfeld & Hirshfeld, Esqs. Attorneys at Law can help you find the answer to that question.
Get experienced legal consultation
One of the first disputes you and your spouse can have is over who gets access to your children, and how often. No matter how the two of you plan to solve your differences, make sure you talk to Hirshfeld & Hirshfeld, Esqs. Attorneys at Law before you decide anything. Your initial consultation is FREE
Make sure your children will be protected
One of the first disputes you and your spouse may have is who will be allowed to see the children and under what conditions. The breakup of a family and the custody and visitation disputes that may follow can put an emotional strain on you and your children no matter how old they are.
Call Hirshfeld & Hirshfeld, Esqs. Attorneys at Law to help you to resolve these issues with as little emotional trauma as possible.
The services that we provide include:
- Petitions for visitation
- Petitions to modify visitation
- Petitions to terminate visitation
- Petitions for supervised visitation
- Violations of Visitation
- Protective Orders