You Don’t Have To Do It Alone
At Hirshfeld & Hirshfeld, Esqs. Attorneys at Law, do not make the mistake of calling us after the damage has already been done. Contact us for a FREE initial consultation and review your options!
Let us help you before it’s too late
By contacting Hirshfeld & Hirshfeld, Esqs. Attorneys at Law before your support hearing, you have a much greater chance that your case will work in your favor. You have plenty of options before your case is decided.Talk to us to find the best strategy for your case.
Don’t make a mistake you’ll regret
You might think that what determines child support is just numbers and calculations, but that is not always the case. Get the best advice for your best results.
Please call Hirshfeld & Hirshfeld, Esqs. Attorneys at Law BEFORE your support hearing for a FREE initial consultation to review all of your legal options.
What we can help you with:
- All child support cases
- Petitions to modify support
- Petitions to terminate support